The Art of Showing Up: A Clear and Practical Method for Mastering Consistency
Finally Stop Falling Off Track and Develop Consistency in All Areas of Your Life
The inability to stay consistent is the number one thing preventing most people from reaching their goals.
On the other hand, simply showing up every day, even if you don't have the "perfect plan," guarantees growth and improvement.
It doesn't matter what your goals are or what your starting point is.
Under all circumstances, one rule remains true for everyone: consistency beats everything.
It's time for you to learn The Art of Showing Up.
Why did I write "The Art of Showing Up"?
- Because one of the most common questions I get from my 200K+ readers is how to stop falling off track and being inconsistent with the things they care about.
- I owe all the good things in my life to consistency. In fact, consistency saved my life.
- Consistency is the reason you are reading what I have to say; it's because I show up every single day that most of you trust me.
- I wrote this book because my showing up every single day is not a result of me being special in any way. Consistency is a skill to be learned.
- And, after almost 8 years of showing up every single day for the things that helped me move forward in life, I know I can help you become consistent.
Table of Contents:
I Consistency Inspiration
1 The Most Influential Man Alive
2 The Dynamite Philosopher
3 The Ultra-Teacher
II Consistency Mindset
4 The Real Reason For Becoming Consistent
5 The Biggest Misconception About Consistency
6 The Biggest Mistake People Make On Their Consistency Journey
III Embracing Life’s Unpredictability
7 The Gold and The Peak Fallacy
8 No Perfect Days
IV Consistency Method
9 Small Is Not Enough
10 Becoming Flexible
11 Adjusting The Method To Your Unique Situation
V Final Mindset Shift
12 Trusting The Process
VI The Secret Power Of Showing Up
13 The Role Of Consistency In Mental Health
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*"The Art of Showing Up" is currently being sold only as an ebook.